Getting started with AlarmDB plugin
Go to the browser and login to FG or FS. If any plugins are installed in the controller you will find new button called plugins
You can also find AlarmDB plugin directly accessing the link: Http://IP_ADDRESS/sdcard/cpt/alarmdb
Active alarms tab - Will show all new alarms that not acknowledged by user.
Tab will be open automatically if any new alarms where found in database. Animated Icon will indicate active alarms.
Alarm log tab - Will show all alarms sorted by date
Control panel
Search - Free text search on active context results.
Search is context sensitive. Search will be performed only within active tab and content inside the tab.
TIPS: If you click on any priority, value or tag pillow it will popup in to search field automatically.
Refresh - Manually retrieve alarms from database.
Automatically called when page loads. Spinning icon will indicate data retrieve process.
Automatic refresh - Activated will call database every 60 seconds.
Pagination - Splits all results in pages.
Columns - Table column switcher.
Data exporter - Export context active results it to common formats.
Exporter is context sensitive. It will contain only active list data.
TIPS: If you will filter alarms by a keyword data exporter will export results only from that particular search.
Alarm priority ranges and colors
Based on this color scheme adjust your alarm priorities in CPT application to get most desirable effect.
Actions - Acknowledge alarm
Acknowledge action will take current logged in user name and time.
Actions - Delete alarm and associated comments
It is possible to delete alarm only if it was acknowledged by user.
Action - Comment
Every alarm has possibility to be commented by users. Chat style conversation keeps tracking for you. Blue Chat Icon marks alarms that has comments related to them.
Bach operations
Every table row has select check box. User can select several alarms and perform bach updates: acknowledge, delete or even write same comment in all alarms.
Footer controls
DB total will show you total database record count so you can keep track of what is going on.