Adding alarm points to your CPT applications
After installation you will find ajsoAlarmDB kit in your library ready to be used. The logBool and logFloat objects can be anywhere within the Sedona app. There is no limit for amount of point also. Drag&Drop to get started.
logBool-Boolean type alarm
logBool object has the following properties:
- hostAddress - IP address of you AlarmDB web app (server).
If you log locally to FG or FS default local host will be at if you will log to remote FG or FS enter its IP. NOTE: Remote server and client must be in the same IP range.
- port - WEB port of FG or FS controller. Typically it is 80 unless it is changed deliberately.
- auth_key - aut_key is new FG of FS web server feature that lets you access data without logging in.
If you logg alarms locally you dont need it. This will open nice opportunities for remote logging and I will cover this more widely below.
- status - You can see AlarmDB platform status
in - Input where you connect something to trigger an alarm. There are three possible input values:
- TRUE value will trigger Alarm state
- FALSE value will trigger Normal state
- NULL value will Pause alarm point. It will remember a last value that was before NULL and after input is restored to True or False it will compare new value with last saved good value and will log alarm only if the value is different.
NULL function will useful with Bacnetclient extension and some other because if bacnet device goes offline subscribed points presentValue will go to null and it will cause unnecessary alarming. If the value will be the same after it get back online there will be no alarm. You can make separate alarm for bacnet device online status instead.
Delay - if in property changes it must hold the same level for this amount of seconds before it triggers an alarm.
This is good practice to use delay to avoid input flickering or sliding and reduces false alarms.
AlarmStatus - Following states (Normal, Alarm, Disabled)
AlarmPriority - Alarm state priority level.
NormalPriority - Normal state priority level.
AlarmValue - Alarm state Value text
NormalValue - Normal state Value text
AlarmText - Alarm state text
NormalText - Normal state text
Tags - Tags to identify alarm inside WEB App.
If you right click on the point there is action command getTags to generate tags automatically. It will try to retrieve 3 parent levels names and stored them as tags. If the point live in App->Network->Device->Point->logBool it will return Network,Device,Point as tags.
- debug - For development use only
- enable - Enables/Disables alarm point.
It is possible to link all alarm points enable property for example to schedule and enable alarming only for certain periods of time, days etc.
logFloat-Floating point type alarm
logFloat object has the following properties:
- hostAddress - IP address of you AlarmDB web app (server).
If you log locally to FG or FS default local host will be at if you will log to remote FG or FS enter its IP.
NOTE: Remote server and client must be in the same IP range.
- port - WEB port of FG or FS controller.
Typically it is 80 unless it is changed deliberately.
- auth_key - aut_key is new FG of FS web server feature that lets you access data without logging in.
If you logg alarms locally you dont need it. This will open nice opportunities for remote logging and I will cover this more widely below.
- status - You can see AlarmDB platform status
- in - Connect any float value to be monitored.
- HighLimit - High level alarm set-point
- LowLimit - Low level alarm set-point
- Deadband - Offset for High and Low levels.
It is good practice to use Deadband if monitored point is fluctuating. Chose the one that fits your needs.
TIPS: For temperature alarm typically 0.5 is good starting point
- Delay - if in property changes it must hold the same level for this amount of seconds before it triggers an alarm.
This is good practice to use delay to avoid input flickering or sliding and reduces false alarms.
- AlarmStatus - Following states (Normal, High, Low, Disabled)
- HighAlarmPriority - High level alarm state priority level.
- LowAlarmPriority - Low level alarm state priority level.
- NormalPriority - Normal level state priority level.
- ValueUnits - Units for Float value.
- HighAlarmText - High level alarm state text
TIPS: Leave text field blank if don't want to log this level alarm
- LowAlarmText - Low level alarm state text
TIPS: Leave text field blank if don't want to log this level alarm
- NormalText - Normal level state text
TIPS: Leave text field blank if don't want to log this level alarm
- Tags - Tags to identify alarm inside WEB App.
If you right click on the point there is action command getTags to generate tags automatically. It will try to retrieve 3 parent levels names and stored them as tags. If the point live in App->Network->Device->Point->logBool it will return Network,Device,Point as tags.
- debug - For development use only
- enable - Enables/Disables alarm point.
It is possible to link all alarm point enable property for example to boolean schedule and enable alarming only for certain periods of time, days etc.
Testing object connection to AlarmDB server
Right click on alarm point and click Actions->pingServer.
This command will test communication with AlarmDB server. If communication is OK it will return success status message otherwise error massage will be return with possible failure description.
Send alarms from other devices? Client setup
First generate auth_key on FS,FG controller where you installed web app so other controller can access data remotely.
TIPS: Right click on object Actions->pingServer and you will test your new auth_key. Check object status response for AlarmDB server OK.